What can Scotland learn from Canada about conflicts over trans rights?

Protests in Canada about an event featuring Meghan Murphy are part of the same global debate about identity as last month’s discussions about whether Scots should be required to declare their biological sex.

We have much to learn from ‘old and irrelevant’ women

I didn’t intend to spend my evening eavesdropping on one of Canada’s most prominent transgender rights activists. But shortly after I took my seat I became aware of a running commentary from immediately behind me.

Generic gifts from Santa let children know they are poor

I can’t help but wonder if a collection of generic gifts, chosen purely on the basis of a child’s age and sex, might bring less cheer than a modest cash donation which could be used by a parent or carer to buy an item or two specially requested from Santa.

Why the goat hunter of Islay has done us all a favour

The Larysa Switlyk (Latin name: troglodytes cowardice) selects its prey on the basis of beauty, because there’s no more beautiful animal than a dead one. After each kill, it manipulates the corpse, or “trophy”, into a lifelike pose to take photographs before fleeing the scene.

A Star is Born and Hollywood’s coercive ‘romance’

Jackson can do what he likes, because he’s famous. He’s an entitled, powerful man and he always gets what he wants. Nowhere is this expressed in a more sinister fashion than when he sends his driver to sit outside Ally’s home until she agrees to get on a plane to come and watch him in concert.